True Relationship

True Relationship

True relationship appears when you are ready, and it can only occur because of you.  It is all a reflection. It appears as the doorway and it does not matter what the relationship is with. You cannot cross through, not all the way, until all of the pieces that created the sense of being separate are all received and held and met. 

And in this, the trust becomes larger than what has been conditioned. Layer by layer, piece by piece, the conditioning all comes breaking apart. There is the meeting of what was underneath the armor: this feeling, this fear of vulnerability, what the ego has been protecting you from. And it is the most tender, beautiful thing. It is something that is felt to be coming into life. It is the beginning of the birth of the divine heart within you. 

What is recognized is that vulnerability is not something painful, it is awakening. It is a love affair. All of the familiar habits fall away when enough of the pieces have been unraveled. These pieces that conditioned the familiar behaviors that created the experience of who I am, and what I like and don't like, what feels safe and what feels unsafe. There is no longer a sense of predictability and control and the wild aliveness that is where the awe comes from becomes the taste. 

And then the relationship explodes within, from two to one. It is pulled within by this gravitational force that is so overpowering and all-consuming. This human heart explodes into infinite space, this sea of light, which is recognized immediately to have never really been left even though it is so new.