At the foot of beloved Arunachala in South India, we gather for three weeks to rest in the heart of Silence. The quiet refuge of the Center for Bhrathiya Dharmic and Cultural Studies is located in the small village of Adiannamalai which is approximately 6 km from Sri Ramanasramam in Tiruvannamalai. This beautiful lush sanctuary rests on the north side of the holy mountain.
Two open satsangs will also be offered to the public in the days prior to the retreat, Sunday, December 29 & Monday, December 30 starting at 11:00am, location is at Ramana Towers. You are most welcome to join us.
For detailed information about traveling to India, group transportation options, suggestions of what to bring, hygiene, and other helpful information, please click here.
Includes twice daily sessions, beginning with silent meditation followed by satsang
Morning session: 10am
Lunch Break
Afternoon session: Approx. 2pm
Full Retreat:
$1240 USD
Registration Coming Soon!
Lodging at the Center for Bhrathiya Dharmic & Cultural Studies
We are now at full capacity for lodging at the retreat site. Please consider renting a room in town and commuting to the retreat.
For general questions, please contact Sati at
For questions about housing, contact Arjuna at arjuna.devaji
For questions about travel, contact Bhakta at
For detailed information about traveling to India, group transportation options, suggestions of what to bring, hygiene, and other helpful information about the area, please click here.
Please make your full donation for the retreat at the time of registration.
In The Heart of Silence is a 501(c)(3) non-profit church and as such, donations may be tax deductible.